se+4 (Sweden)http://www mawns com License END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THE INCLUDED STUDIO KMZERO FONTS:This End-User License Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Studio Kmzero for the digital typeface software - hereafter fonts included in this package:PROZAKThe fonts included are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.. A licensing agreement provides approved rights to use purchased software First of all, it prohibits arbitrary copying of purchased programs and documentation.. These fonts are licensed to you for personal / noncommercial use only License As it is accepted in world practice, software distribution is carried out by a licensing agreement between the owner of the copyrights and the end users.
You may not share this font, neither on websites or to other computers,unless Mns Grebck's permission is given.. ttf License Please read this before any use of the font -----------------------This font is for PERSONAL USE ONLY:Do not under any circumstances use the font in public media unless permission is given from designer Mns Grebck or legal reseller.. If you do not accept these agreements, do not install or use the font -----------------------For further information, purchase and licence, please contact designer:Mns Grebck mawns@live.. Download Frutiger LT 47 Light Condensed, font family Frutiger LT 47 LightCn by with Regular weight and style, download file name is Frutiger LT 47 Light Condensed.
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